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Welcome to Foundation 2

The children in Foundation Two are taught by by Miss Fox , Nursery Nurse Mrs Berriman and support staff  Mrs Reilly, Miss Thirkell, Mrs Fells, Mrs Simpson and Miss Gilbey.

We are learning through play both inside and out!

Our topics in the  first part of the Autumn term are: Monsters and Ourselves. We have been looking at our faces and creating faces in lots of different ways. We have read The Colour Monster and talked about our feelings. 

We have read the Gruffalo and explored building dens and homes for the different characters.

After half term we will be looking at different Celebrations - we will look at a variety of different celebrations including birthdays, Bonfire Night, and Christmas. 


 This is our class!



 Using our imagination! what shall we build today?


Developing out writing skills!


 How are you feeling today? We have been exploring different expressions!


 Busy busy busy!


Water fun!  Developing our fine motor skills!











New Pasture Lane Primary SchoolBurstall Hill, Bridlington
East Yorkshire, YO16 7NR

Tel: 01262 601684

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