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The school recognises the importance of planned leadership opportunities for all children as the move through the school supporting the development of resilience, self-esteem and team work.



These are children who demonstrate the Golden qualities such are truthfulness, kindness,

Children are chosen in July prior to them entering Year 6, parents are written to and the children are provided with navy blue jumpers and t-shirts.

 Ambassadors include being a role model for other children, leading the Mini Mentors, they are partnered with a class and lunchtime duties.



All Year 6 children are given the opportunity at least twice to be a Prefect for a week, they are responsible for delivering and collecting registers, setting up the hall and managing the music in daily assemblies plus helping to lead Praise Assembly.


Mini Mentors

Two children from each class are chosen to be Mini Mentor’s; their roles are promoting e-safety and friendship. The parents are written to and the children receive a Mini Mentor’s  t-shirt to wear. The children are given tasks throughout the year and some training to help them in their roles.


House Leaders

Each House votes for a new House Leader each year. These children represent their House on the House council and plan House days at least three times each year.

They also lead their House during Sports week, waving their flag.


Club Leaders

Children are encouraged to run a lunchtime club of their own choosing. Once they have decided upon the focus of the club which could be anything from dancing to tricks club they have to decide upon where, when and which year group can attend the club. They then design and print a poster to advertise their club and display them around the school.


Monster Reads

Monster reads takes place following each lunchtime in Key stage 2, Year 5 children purchase, organise and promote the borrowing of these books.

New Pasture Lane Primary SchoolBurstall Hill, Bridlington
East Yorkshire, YO16 7NR

Tel: 01262 601684

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