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Safeguarding at New Pasture Lane Primary School

OFSTED states that schools should have effective arrangements to:

  • Always act in the best interests of children, pupils and students to protect them online and offline.
  • Identify children, pupils and students who may need early help, and who are at risk of harm or have been harmed. This can include, but is not limited to, neglect, abuse (including by their peers), grooming or exploitation.
  • Secure the help that children, pupils and students need, and if required, referring in a timely way to those who have the expertise to help.
  • Manage safe recruitment and allegations about adults who may be a risk to children, pupils, students and vulnerable adults.

At New Pasture Lane Primary school all school staff have an essential part in protecting children from abuse.

All Staff and Governors are trained in the Core Module for Safeguarding children  and have regular updates in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education.

Designated Safeguarding Leaders are:

Mrs Tadman

Mr Coleman

Designated Safeguarding Governor is:

Chair of Governors    Mr J Place

Please find below our Strategic School Child Protection Safeguarding Policy

Prevent information

E Safety information and guidance.

If you have any concerns about your own or another child please contact

EHASH  01482 395500


New Pasture Lane Primary SchoolBurstall Hill, Bridlington
East Yorkshire, YO16 7NR

Tel: 01262 601684

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