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Writing Weeks

Writing weeks happen termly and are one of our schools many non- negotiable expectations.

They’re designed to ensure that every child has a new experience, whether building a shelter or visiting Eden Camp, the whole school learns together.

The week always begins with an introductory assembly and ends with a sharing event. The knowledge and skills can be drawn from any of the curriculum areas and are used to develop writing from a wide range of different genres.


Summer 2023


Everybody in school created a puppet based on the book 'how night came'. Afterwards they produced a script linked to the story, which they then performed to the whole school.  

Autumn 2022

The Den Man

The whole school spent time den building on the playing field, in all types of inclement weather. It helped them to become more creative thinkers, problem solvers and little more resilient. 

Summer 2021

The Tempest

A green screening of Shakespeare's 'The Tempest' helping children to understand the storyline, plot and all of the characters in the play.


 The Tempest- Mini Movie

 Click this link to to play the movie


Spring 2020


A deeper look into Japan. From Issun-bōshi to the tea ceremony, video games and Godzilla..

Summer 2019

Oceans of Plastic

An enquiry into what is happening in our oceans and what we can do to stop the pollution.


Spring 2019

Let's visit Australia

We welcomed Digeridoo man and took a walk around Australia's coastline.


Autumn 2018

Why do we remember?

A commemoration of the 100 years since the end of World War 1.


Summer 2018

Down the decades?

A celebration of music, art and key events between 1920-2010.


Spring 2018

The Matchbox Diary

A week when the children wrote a about a PHSCE linked theme and placed their story in a matchbox.

Autumn 2017

Den Building

Everyone built a Den and a really big one too!

Writing Weeks 2013 – 2022

Date Genre Curriculum areas of focus



The Den man


Summer 2021 The Tempest

Literacy, Drama,IT and Art.

Spring 2020 Japan 2020 Geography,Art, Drama
Summer 2019 An Ocean of Plastic P4C, Global Citizenship
Spring 2019 Let's Visit Australia

Geography,Art and Music

Autumn   2018

Why do we remember?


Summer   2018

Down the decades

Music, art, history

Spring      2018

The Matchbox diary


Autumn   2017

Den building

Design and Technology

Summer   2017

‘A twist in time’

IT film making, history, music

Autumn    2016

Visiting a Rain Forrest / Phil Williams/ Environmental conference

Environmental science, Global citizenship.P4C

Summer   2016

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Literacy and drama

Spring     2016

Tim Peake / Science Boffin /Space Dome


Autumn   2015

Beaches ‘Sea shore safari ‘


Summer  2015

Pop UK concert

Music and performing

Spring     2015

Every Picture tells a story

Art, music, drama.

Autumn  2014

Story Sack Apps


Summer   2014

To solve a problem Maths


Spring    2014

African oral storytelling

Global citizenship.

Autumn   2013

Myst – Using film


Summer   2013

Pop Uk concert

Music and performing

Spring   2013

Let’s visit India /a Hindu wedding/Bollywood dancing

RE  Global citizenship

New Pasture Lane Primary SchoolBurstall Hill, Bridlington
East Yorkshire, YO16 7NR

Tel: 01262 601684

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