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Attendance & Absence

Parents have a legal duty to ensure that their child receives the best education they can. This means making sure that their child attends school regularly, on time and ready to learn.

Absence from school

There will be occasions when your child will be absent from school. It is very important that you inform school when your child will be absent and the reason for the absence. Any absence with no notification of reason from an adult with parental responsibility will be classified as unauthorised.

Absences can be reported to the school either by telephone on 01262 601684 or by text to 07484525456. Contact should be made with the school no later than 9am.

Attendance levels are reviewed on a weekly basis, if your childs attendance falls below 90% we will send you a letter to explain that we are monitoring your child's attendance. If there is no improvement in your childs attendance, we will agree an action plan with targets set for the next four weeks, if the targets are not met we will then send a referral to the Education Welfare Service (EWS) with a copy of the letters, the action plan and attendance figures.

We also review children who are regularly late to school, parents will be informed by letter of the amount of lateness and referred to the EWS.

Children with 100% attendance during a term will receive a certificate, a swim voucher and a trip to Candy Kingdom.

Below is more information on if your child is ill and/or needs medicine during school and a parent information leaflet provided by the NHS and East Riding of Yorkshire Council as a guide to school absence.

Request for absence from school in exceptional circumstances and Penalty Notices.

You are required under the Education Act (1996) to ensure your child attends school regularly. If your child accrues 10 consecutive sessions of unauthorised absence you may be liable for a penalty notice (1 days absence = 2 sessions, 5 days absence = 10 sessions).

Parents must complete a request for absence from school in exceptional circumstances form and submit it to the school, allowing enough time for the school to consider the request and provide parents with a decision.

School holidays cannot be authorised by Headteachers, if holidays are taken, those over 5 days will be referred to the EWS for a penalty notice.

what if my child is ill.pdf

nhs parent information leaflet may 23.pdf



New Pasture Lane Primary SchoolBurstall Hill, Bridlington
East Yorkshire, YO16 7NR

Tel: 01262 601684

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