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Curriculum Lead - Mrs Clemence

History is taught throughout school following the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework(2021) and the National Curriculum (2014).

Children have the opportunity to learn about a range of historical periods from the Stone Age to 1066 and beyond, aspects of local history and about significant individuals and times such as the Great Fire of London (see the Long Term Plan below).

History is taught in a creative, multidisciplinary way using a range of resources to enhance pupils’ learning, including visits to places of historical significance, visitors with specialist knowledge, access to artifacts, books, quality interactive whiteboard presentations and IPad applications. In addition, every pupil has the opportunity to engage with the past on a personal level through a creative process; for example, making pottery from the Stone Age, a Viking shield or creating a Story Sack or green screen presentation (see the Computing web page).

In Key Stages 1 and 2 History is taught in blocks of time over a half term rather than in weekly sessions so that pupils can immerse themselves in the time period and can build on key skills and knowledge rapidly. Pupils learn a wide range of approaches to historical material and are encouraged to be critical, to evaluate, justify and hypothesise based on the evidence before them. The ‘Connected History’ scheme developed by David Weatherly provides a series of question-based enquiries used to develop key historical ideas and skills (see the questions on the Long Term Plan below).

Knowledge and skills are then assessed by the classroom teacher alongside the History co-ordinator at the end of every term.

History Long Term Plan



Year 3 Display following their investigations into Stone Age life


Year 2 visit to Sewerby Park, continuing their learning about the life of Amy Johnson

New Pasture Lane Primary SchoolBurstall Hill, Bridlington
East Yorkshire, YO16 7NR

Tel: 01262 601684

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