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Curriculum Lead - Mrs Haley

At New Pasture Lane Primary school we teach French as a Modern Foreign Language to all pupils in Key Stage 2.

We use the I-Languages scheme of work ensuring that all children have opportunities to enjoy and achieve in their language learning.

The units of work can be sequenced to provide progression, consolidation and reinforcement in language learning.

Weekly planned activities offer children the chance to:

  • work cooperatively and collaboratively with others, in an atmosphere free from intimidation
  • demonstrate their initiative
  • become actively involved in their work
  • be ambassadors for their school when communicating with partner schools abroad.

There is continuity and progression in both skills and content across all classes and the children are teacher assessed at the end of each term alongside self-assessing themselves. Work is linked with literacy, numeracy, ICT and other areas of the primary curriculum.

The scheme of work enables the teacher to guide children’s progression in the following areas: oracy, literacy, intercultural understanding, knowledge and language and language-learning skills.

To progress in their language learning, children are given opportunities to reuse, in an increasing range of contexts, the skills, vocabulary, structures and grammar they have learnt. French Day is an annual whole school event where every child belonging to a specific House group participates in activities to promote their language skills.

We have recently had the privilege of linking with Ecole Maternelle Marguerite Marie in Millau, Bridlington’s twin town. We are hopeful this link will continue and are enjoying swapping work and messages between class CE1-CE2 and our Year 4 class.

French Long Term Plan


y3 y6 primary sow overview french.pdf

 How We Assess

We assess each child against the Age Related Expectations every term.


age related expectations condensed.pdf



French Day 2019


French Activities 2021/22


 French  Day 2022/23

French Day 2022/23


New Pasture Lane Primary SchoolBurstall Hill, Bridlington
East Yorkshire, YO16 7NR

Tel: 01262 601684

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