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The Governing Body plays a key role in the life of New Pasture Lane Primary School, giving strategic direction for the school and holding the Headteacher and Senior Leaders to account for the wellbeing and safeguarding of children and staff, learning outcomes, financial probity and ensuring value for money.

The governing body supports the school by making sure that the best possible provision is in place for children, staff and parents. They understand and challenge the school through Full Governing Body meetings, strategic committee meetings, scrutinizing documentation, analysis of outcome and other performance data, developing policies, contributing to the School Development Plan and talking to children, staff and parents.

They keep well informed through visiting classrooms and discussions with staff. They participate in training provided both in-school and at County venues, as well as attending regional and national conferences. Governors also meet with external school personnel, such as Local Authority advisers and OFSTED Inspectors to expand their knowledge of the school and to both confirm and challenge the school's evaluation of how well it is doing.

The current Governing Body consists of the following:

  • Chair: Mrs S Gollop 
  • Vice Chair: Mrs T Rycroft
  • Vice Chair: Mr J Place
  • Co-opt: Mrs C Daniel & Mrs J Haycock
  • Parent Governors: Mrs N Helm, Mrs T Rycroft and Mr J Place.
  • Teacher Governor: Mr M Coleman
  • Staff Governor: Mrs A Pierrepont
  • Headteacher: Mrs A Tadman

Governors Documents:

New Pasture Lane Primary SchoolBurstall Hill, Bridlington
East Yorkshire, YO16 7NR

Tel: 01262 601684

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