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Welcome to Year One.

Year 1 is taught by Mrs Pierrepont.

Miss Barnard, Mrs Emmerson and Mrs Hellewell are also part of the Year 1 team. 

Welcome to our Year 1 class page. During this Spring term, we will have lots of learning opportunities across the whole curriculum. This term in mathematics we are developing our knowledge of partitioning numbers to 100, adding one more, one less, ten more and ten less from any 2 digit number. We will also practice adding and subtracting, shapes, money and telling the time. In English, we are looking at lots of different text types to ensure we are away of the clear purpose of our writing. To do this we will use our developing knowledge of phonics to help us write more accurately and independently. We will be creating our own books to share with Foundation children as well as developing our poetry knowledge.

In addition to this, we will be researching Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. We have smoothies to make, fruits and vegitables to investigate and much more. 

Below are some of our photos from what we have been doing so far! 

 Little Wandle

As a class we Love to share books and a big part of our everyday job at school is to develop this love of reading with your child and also help them to understand the mechanics of reading. Each day we have a phonics session which is showing children new letters (graphemes) to read and the sound (phoneme) these letters make. 

The more practice children have with reading the more confident they will get and soon will have the feeling of  becoming an independent reader.

Each week we will send home a book on a Thursday. Thursday is our book changing day. This book matches there knowledge within the Little Wandle Phonics scheme we are currently using. Having the same book each day allows your child to start reading by using their blending skills, that is saying the sound for each letter and then blending to say the word. As the week goes  on and with more practice these words will start to be stored in their memory banks so they can just start to ‘read’ the word. 


 We hope to see you at our next Stay and read session and support us with reading at home. 

Any questions, please just get in touch. We are always here to listen to any concerns.  












New Pasture Lane Primary SchoolBurstall Hill, Bridlington
East Yorkshire, YO16 7NR

Tel: 01262 601684

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