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Curriculum Lead - Miss Fox

At New Pasture Lane Primary school we teach Geography throughout the school, the Foundation Stage follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (2021) and Key Stage One and Two follow the National Curriculum (2014).

Geography is taught in a creative and engaging way using a range of resources.

The pupils’ experiences are enhanced through visits to places of Geographical interest, Beach School and visitors with specialised knowledge coming to school. During the Spring term the whole school takes part in a writing week, during this week we journey to a different part of the world. We have been to Africa, The Arctic, India, Brazil, London (2012 Olympics) and The Rain forests. In 2019 we visited Australasia and had a visitor working in school who could play the “didgeridoo” and share his knowledge of Australia. The whole school also worked on a project looking at the impact of plastics on the World’s Oceans. In 2020 the whole school worked with Animated Objects to learn about Japan, each class studied a different element of the Japanese culture and leant about the country. In spring 2022 the whole school will be visiting North America.

These activities enable the children to develop skills in a purposeful context and develop their knowledge of world events. 

In Key Stage One and Two Geography is taught in blocks of time over a half term so that pupils have opportunity to develop skills and understanding in the area they are studying, and following the P4C enquiry led approach, they are encouraged to be critical, to analyse, to question, to discuss and evaluate their own learning.

Geography skills and knowledge are assessed by the classroom teacher alongside the Geography co-ordinator at the end of each term.

New Pasture Lane – Long Term Plan

Autumn One

Autumn Two

Spring One

Spring Two

Summer One

Summer Two

Foundation Stage

Foundation Stage Curriculum

Understanding the World: Children are taught to talk about features of their own immediate environment and how environments might vary from one another.

Year 1

Around Our Town

This is Our World

An Island Home

Year 2




Year 3

Geography Skills


The Journey of a river

Rivers for people

Year 4



Year 5

.Comparing people and places.

The Amazon Basin

Earthquakes and Volcanoes

Year 6

Climate change

Climate zones and biomes

New Pasture Lane Primary SchoolBurstall Hill, Bridlington
East Yorkshire, YO16 7NR

Tel: 01262 601684

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