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Mrs Riley teaches Class 6. She’s also our KS2 Co-ordinator.

Mrs Sollitt, Mrs Kirkham and Miss Capstick work alongside and support the children in the class. Mrs Clemence will also be working with small groups of children from the class.

 This autumn we are learning about World War 2; we are very excited to be continuing this learning with the IntoUniversity team in Bridlington. We will be dipping into 'New and collected poems for children' written by Carol Ann Duffy (Poet Laureate) in our reading lessons. In writing we will be creating a blog about ourselves as well as story writing based on Wind in the Willows. 









Year 6 – Class Photo


New Pasture Lane Primary SchoolBurstall Hill, Bridlington
East Yorkshire, YO16 7NR

Tel: 01262 601684

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