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Special Educational Needs

New Pasture Lane Primary School Special Educational Needs Information Report

New Pasture Lane Primary School is a mainstream school with 198 Full-time and 40 Part-time (Nursery) pupils on the role.

On the school role, there are currently:

  • 12 children with Education and Healthcare Plans (EHC)
  • 66 children receiving SEN Support.

Special educational provision is provision that is different from, or additional to, that which is normally available to pupils of the same age.

The school currently provides additional and/or different provision for a range of needs, including:

  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition and learning
  • Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
  • Sensory and/or physical needs
  • Moderate/severe/profound and multiple learning difficulties

New Pasture Lane Primary School is committed to provide a stimulating, challenging and inclusive learning environment for all pupils. Our curriculum is designed to allow experience based, creative learning to meet the individual needs of all pupils. We expect to enable all children to make sustained progress in learning and in developing personal and social skills. We are very conscious of the need to equip pupils with high aspirations to prepare them for the next stage of education and for life. We are committed to value and support each individual, providing a high quality of pastoral care, and nurture self-esteem and mutual respect, working closely in partnership with parents/carers.

SEND Policy

special educational needs disability policy march 2023.pdf


How does the school know if the children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?

Teachers may have concerns about a child’s progress and attainment, despite targeted interventions and teaching. These will be discussed with the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) who has the responsibility to co-ordinate additional support within the school and to be the point of contact for external agencies and support services when a decision is made to make a referral for advice and support.
Appropriate support and interventions will be arranged and clear outcomes identified to assess progress. Parents/carers will be involved in this process through discussions with their child’s class teacher and with specialist staff where appropriate. All parents/carers of children with special educational needs are invited to speak to the class teacher and SEN support staff at termly Parents Evenings. They also receive written termly reviews of their child’s progress in a Termly Support Plan (TSP).

When a child has transferred from a previous school or pre-school setting, information will be passed on as part of the transfer process and the SENCO will make contact with the previous setting to ensure a smooth transfer which takes account of a child’s strengths and needs.

If parents/carers have a concern about their child’s progress or how school is meeting their child’s needs they can speak to the class teacher or Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator at any time.

How does the school identify children with special educational needs?

The school identifies children with special educational needs through careful tracking of the progress of all children. Where children are not making expected progress or a specific need is identified, teaching staff will meet with the SENCO and a decision may be made to monitor progress, or to place the child on the SEN (Special Educational Needs) Register. This is described as providing SEN Support and this decision will be discussed with parents/carers.

Targeted interventions are then put in place to meet the identified additional needs. These are delivered by trained staff and may be on a one to one or group basis.

School staff work in partnership with external agencies to provide support and advice when appropriate (e.g. Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Service, Home School Support). The school also has staff trained to help support children with social and emotional needs.

Children with a high degree of learning needs or an identified learning difficulty may be referred for a formal assessment of their needs which can lead to the child being given an Education and Healthcare Plan (EHCP). External agencies are involved in this process and the assessment is made by the local authority. The EHC Plan will identify the additional support needed for each child. This is a legal requirement and school are required to put all recommendations into place. Parents are at the centre of this process.

How does the school evaluate the effectiveness of its provision for pupils with SEN?

  • The school undertakes regular assessments, with whole school tracking and impact reviews for all children. The progress of children with SEN is closely monitored by the class teacher, SENCO and Head Teacher.
  • The school conducts Termly Support Plan (TSP) reviews involving all staff working with each child with SEND. The SENCO moderates this to ensure consistency of provision, targets and outcomes across the school setting.
  • Annual reviews are held for children with EHC Plans.
  • Interventions are monitored and impact evaluated regularly on a child by child basis.
  • Performance in national tests.
  • Assessments by external agencies and professionals.
  • Monitoring, support and training of staff delivering provision by Head Teacher and Governing body.

How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?

  • The school conducts Termly Support Plan (TSP) reviews involving all staff working with each child with SEND. Parents/carers are sent a written review of their child’s progress and of any new targets and support. Parents/carers can discuss this with their child’s teacher or SENCO. They are encouraged to become involved in supporting their child’s learning at home, and staff are happy to discuss how they can do this.
  • Discussions are held with parents/carers at termly parents evenings. SEN support staff are also available to talk to parents/carers and to build relationships over time. Children are invited to be part of this process.
  • Parents/carers are fully involved in all meetings and assessments carried out by external professions (e.g. Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Service). For example, they are invited to Speech and Language reviews and sent a written report each time their child is seen in school.
  • The school holds a number of regular open events for parents/carers, for example Stay and Play (Foundation Stage), Stay and Read (Year 1 and 2) to build links between school and home and encourage parents/carers to be part of their child’s learning. Where appropriate children with SEN will have a home school book, and/or daily contact with a member of staff working with their child.

How will the school staff support my child?

How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

  • Class teachers are responsible for the progress of all children in their class. They provide appropriately differentiated work in the classroom, suited to the learning needs of each child.
  • Classes have trained adults supporting the work of children at group and individual level.
  • Following regular assessments and tracking, children may be chosen to take part in individual and group based learning interventions delivered by trained staff (e.g. catch up Literacy, Phonics and Mathematics, Reading Recovery, ELSA – social and emotional support)
  • All children with a Termly Support Plan will be given time each week working out of class on their targets with our trained SEN Support Assistants. They work with children throughout their years in school and have a strong understanding of the needs of each child and how to help them to make good progress.
  • Children may follow appropriate classroom based programmes (such as Reading Eggs, Nessy and Beat Dyslexia).
  • The school will seek out and follow support, advice and programmes provided by external agencies.
  • The School provides additional Speech and Language support from a trained Teaching Assistant with individual children being seen between 1 to 3 times each week, depending on their individual needs. Needs and outcomes are reviewed in line with advice from the Speech and Language service.

How does the school adapt the curriculum and learning environment for pupils with special educational needs?

  • The school aims to make the curriculum available to all children, with adjustments made according to their individual learning needs.
  • Classroom support is provided according to the need identified in a child’s Termly Support Plan or EHC Plan.
  • Interventions are delivered by trained staff as identified by tracking and teacher assessments. These may take place outside the classroom in our Learning Support Room which has been carefully designed to provide a calm and purposeful learning environment where the children feel safe and nurtured. The timing of interventions will be carefully planned to ensure that children continue to access the full classroom curriculum as appropriate to their needs.
  • A range of outdoor learning facilities are available to meet physical and sensory needs.
  • There is a sensory learning space available for children with sensory needs.
  • School staff will seek the advice of external agencies and act on their recommendations. This may include the purchase of specialist equipment or adaptations to the classroom environment.
  • ICT (e.g. computers, tablets) are used where appropriate to engage and extend learning.

How is the decision made about the type and how much support my child will receive?

  • All teachers plan and deliver differentiated teaching according to the needs of the individual children in the classroom.
  • Support is available from appropriate adults in the classroom.
  • Interventions are delivered by trained staff as identified by tracking and teacher assessments.
  • The school will use appropriate visual aids, equipment and ICT based resources adapted to meet the needs of individual children.
  • The school provides work stations, SEN intervention room, sensory areas and quiet work areas where appropriate.
  • Resources are allocated according to the individual needs of each child and will be monitored and evaluated through the Termly Support Plan or Annual Review. All relevant staff are involved in this process and parents/carers consulted through TSP reviews, Parents Evenings, annual reports, informal discussions and meeting with relevant professionals.
  • Where appropriate, children will have adaptations made for external tests to comply with the criteria laid down by legislation. (This could include ICT adaptations, font size, work space, additional time, scribing or reading support). This support would be clearly identified in a child’s TSP prior to the test.

How will my child be included in activities outside the school classroom including school trips?

  • The school runs a wide variety of after school and sports clubs. Lunchtime and after school clubs are open to all children, and children with SEN are actively encouraged to participate with extra adult support if necessary.
  • Peer support and mentoring programmes are run to enable children to support one another and develop mentoring skills.
  • Children with special needs continue to be able to access all areas of the school environment when necessary (e.g. Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 indoor and outdoor learning areas).
  • The school actively promotes the use of outdoor learning to enable children to access a rich curriculum.
  • Necessary steps are taken to ensure that all children can access school trips and outside visits with the necessary support required. Parents/carers of children with special needs are fully consulted and involved in supporting their child in accessing school trips. Individual risk assessments are completed where relevant to a child’s needs.
  • Lunchtime support is provided for all children who require individual support. Lunchtime staff are trained and informed about the needs of individual children.
  • All parents/carers have the opportunity to meet teachers and other staff at the beginning and end of the school day to talk about any concerns they have with their child.
  • Where appropriate, individual children and their parents/carers are met at the beginning and end of the day by the staff who support them in class (e.g. children with an EHCP, children with specific medical or emotional needs).

What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?

  • The school places a high emphasis on providing of a rich PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education) curriculum to all children. This is delivered through the SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) and P4C programme in the classroom. Circle times allow children to talk about their lives and build confidence, resilience and emotional skills.
  • The school has a peer mentoring and ambassador scheme. Regular House activities foster a climate of mutual support and well-being throughout the school.
  • Children are also taught about health, safety, drugs and relationship education through the curriculum and by visiting specialists.
  • The school has trained first aid staff available at all times. The school has specific policies designed to enable the safe delivery of medicines and personal care.
  • The school behaviour policy aims to manage behaviour consistently and fairly, to reduce exclusions and support children with behaviour needs.
  • Attendance issues are addressed in line with school and local authority policy.
  • The school works with the Home School Support Service to support families at home.
  • External Professionals (e,g, Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Service, Autism Outreach Services, Early Years Support Services) have close links with the school and parents/carers can receive advice and support for their children.
  • The school also has staff with specialist training to help support children with social and emotional needs. Social and Emotional Support programmes are delivered by trained school staff and outside agencies. This includes bereavement and loss counselling.

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?

The school accesses services provided by the Local Authority and National Health Service as required for individual children. These include: Educational Psychologist, Behaviour Support, Speech and Language Therapy, Autism Inclusion and Outreach, Sensory and Physical Teaching Service, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Home School Support, Portage (Nursery).

These services also provide training and advice to staff where appropriate.
The school also accesses screening and support for specific learning difficulties (e.g. dyslexia) from specialists as required.

What training have the staff supporting SEND had or what training are they having?

  • The school ensures that all relevant staff receive any mandatory training (e.g. safeguarding, first aid, disability awareness)
  • Key staff receive regular and ongoing training from relevant professionals who work closely with the school (e.g.training from Speech and Language Service and Inclusion Service)
  • Teaching staff and support staff have recieved training in areas of Special Educational Needs and Disability (e.g. dyslexia, autism, deafness, downs syndrome awareness). Training needs are monitored in order to update staff and allow them to and develop new skills.
  • All staff delivering SEN targeted interventions in literacy, numeracy, speech, language and communication have been trained in the programmes they deliver.
  • The school is an accredited centre for the provision of Portage (early years support) and staff are strained to deliver this in the Nursery setting.
  • The school has two staff trained to deliver the ELSA programme (Social and Emotional Literacy) and they work with a number of children across the school.
  • The Head Teacher and SENCO regularly attend Local Authority training and briefing meetings.
  • When a child is new to the school, or has applied to attend the school, provision will be made to ensure that the school can support the child’s needs and address any parental concerns. External agencies will be contacted if necessary in order to ensure that staff are able to support any new needs, or to access any new training for staff.

How accessible is the school both indoors and outdoors?

  • The school complies with all statutory requirements regarding disabled/wheelchair access to school buildings. There are designated disabled parking bays.
  • The building contains a disabled toilet and designated personal care room.
  • All classrooms and outdoor areas are accessible.
  • The school has an extensive outdoor learning area, including fields, sports court school garden and playgrounds. All children are able to access this rich and stimulating learning and play environment.
  • Special equipment is purchased to provide support for example, keyboards, writing slopes, pencil grips, sensory stimulus, visual aids. The school acts on the advice of specialist support services.
  • The school is investigating how new technology can enhance learning and has purchased laptop and tablet computers for use by children with EHCPs and computer software programmes to support dyslexia.
  • The school has a dedicated sensory learning area to meet the needs of children with enhanced sensory conditions.

How are parents/carers involved in the school?

How can I get involved?

  • The school aims to be inclusive and welcoming place, which is fully open and accessible to parents/carers. Parents/carers are encouraged to talk to staff about any concerns they might have.
  • A weekly newsletter gives parents/carers information about all aspects of school life.
  • The school holds weekly praise assemblies to which all parents/carers are invited to attend and celebrate their child’s learning and achievements. The school has a regular programme of events and activities and parents/carers are welcome to participate where possible.
  • The school has links with other agencies to provide information, awareness and learning opportunities for parents/carers regarding supporting their child’s learning.
  • Parents/carers are welcome to contact the school regarding offering voluntary support, for example with running events and supporting children in the classroom with reading.
  • Home School Support Service Parent Support Advisor is based in school for part of each week and works closely with parents and families.
  • There are regular open events for parents/carers, for example Stay and Play (Foundation Stage), Stay and Read (Year 1 and 2) to build links between school and home and encourage parents/carers to be part of their child’s learning.
  • All parents/carers are given an appointment for termly Parents Evenings, where they meet their child’s class teacher and discuss their progress and any concerns they might have. The SEN support assistants are also available to talk to parents/carers and they are able to discuss the progress children have made over time as they move through school. Children are encouraged to be part of this process.
  • The Head Teacher and SENCO are available to talk to parents/carers about any concerns they may have about their child’s needs.
  • The school conducts termly Termly Support Plan (TSP) reviews involving all staff working with each child with special educational needs. Parents/carers are encouraged to be part of this process. They are sent a written review of their child’s progress and details of any new targets and support. Parents/carers can discuss these with their child’s teacher or SENCO. Parents/carers of children with Statements are invited to contribute to and attend annual reviews.
  • Parents/carers are fully involved in all meetings and assessments carried out by external professions (e.g. Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Service). For example, they are invited to Speech and Language reviews and sent a written report each time their child is seen in school
  • Parents/carers will be informed if their child is to take part in any additional learning intervention and the teacher or SENCO will discuss this with parents/carers.
  • All parents/carers interested in moving their child to the school are invited to meet the Head Teacher and see around the school. Transition arrangements are carefully planned when a child has special educational needs.

How do you consult with young people with special educational needs?

Childrens’ voice is an important part of school life and young people are consulted regularly about the decisions affecting their school lives and learning. In addition to the normal process of feedback and support, children with special educational needs are given the opportunity to discuss their targets and achievements with their teacher and support staff. The SEN support assistants adapt Termly Support Plans to a child friendly format appropriate to the age of the child.

Feedback is an important aspect of classroom life and this will be adapted to suit the learning needs of children with special needs. It may take the form of visual supports if appropriate.

Children will always be given the opportunity to discuss and reflect on their needs when external agencies are working with them.

What are the arrangements for the treatment of complaints from parents/carers/carers of pupils with special educational needs concerning the provision made at the school?

  • The first point of contact for a parent with concerns about their child’s learning and progress will usually be the class teacher.
  • The Head Teacher and SENCO are also available to discuss any concerns directly if a parent prefers.
  • The school aims to keep parents/carers fully informed about the progress of their child. The formal process is through termly Parent Consultation Evenings, and a written annual report in the summer term.
  • All parents/carers of children with special educational needs also receive a termly written review and learning plan. This is in addition to informal discussions which can take place at any time.
  • The Head Teacher is the first point of contact for any formal complaints about the school. These will be referred to the governing body as outlined in the schools complaints procedure.
  • Information regarding this can be obtained by contacting the school in person or by telephone or e-mail.

How does the governing body involve other bodies, including health and social services, local authority support services and voluntary organisations, in meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs and in supporting the families of such pupils?

The school has links with:

  • Local Authority Inclusion Service (Educational Psychologist and Behaviour Support)
  • Speech and Language Therapy Service
  • Local Authority Sensory and Physical Teaching Service
  • Health Services (e.g. Paediatrician, Mental Health Services, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy)
  • School Nurse
  • Police Community Support Officer
  • Home School Support Parent Support Advisor
  • Social Services
  • Road Safety Team
  • Dental Health
  • Early Years Support Services
  • Dyslexia screening and support is purchased from specialist professionals.
  • Portage (Early Years)
  • Any other appropriate agency will be contacted if a need arises (e.g. expertise from staff at special schools)

How will the school prepare and support my child to join the school, transfer to a new setting or to the next stage of education and life?

The school aims to make the process of transition to the school as smooth and happy as possible for all children.

Parents/carers of children intending to transfer to the school are invited to visit the school. Formal transition visits and open days are in place for children starting Nursery or the Foundation Stage.
Children transferring to the school at a later stage are welcome to look round and should contact the school to make an appointment. They will usually meet the Head Teacher, their new class teacher and see all aspects of the school. The school works carefully with previous schools to ensure a smooth transition takes place with continuity of learning and support in place where needed. All SEN records will be transferred and provision put in place.

The school makes very careful arrangements for transition to secondary school for children in Year 6. Good links are established with local secondary schools and will be made to support any child moving to another secondary school. Children with special educational needs are carefully supported with additional meetings and visits taking place where appropriate.
Transition arrangements for children with an EHCP will follow local authority guidelines with discussions and planning for secondary school starting at the Year 5 Annual Review. External agencies will become involved at that stage as appropriate.
Very careful planning will take place if a parent wishes to consider a transition to special school at the end of Year 6, and planning may start at the Year 4 Annual Review.

Who can I contact for further information?


Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO)

Special Educational Needs (SEN) Governor

Who should parents/carers/ carers contact if they have a compliment, concern or complaint about your school?


Jo Hill


Carol Daniel

Head Teacher:

Alison Tadman



New Pasture Lane Primary School
Burstall Hill
YO16 7NR

East Riding of Yorkshire Council Local Offer website:


This website is the first point of contact for information about services for children with special educational needs across the East Riding of Yorkshire.

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New Pasture Lane Primary SchoolBurstall Hill, Bridlington
East Yorkshire, YO16 7NR

Tel: 01262 601684

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