Quick Links

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Here are direct links to the main educational websites that the children can use both in school and at home.


Reading Eggs

TT Rock Stars


Education City

Active Learn(Y6)
Teach Your Monster To Read  


Phonics Play

Hamilton Trust

Learn at Home Packs

DfE high quality learning at home sites.

Barefoot Computing

Learning at Home.

Oak National Academy

Animated Objects

(Dawn and Lee)

A different Art activity every day using no glue, sticky tape or any expensive materials, just paper, cardboard and something to draw with.


Facebook ‘Animated Objects Theatre Company

Instagram and Twitter: @animatedobjects.

BBC Bitesize Daily

Daily lessons for homeschooling in Maths and English for every year group.


East Riding Libraries

Free ebooks and audiobooks, Bedtime stories to listen to and a weekly 500 word writing challenge.



Use your TTRockstar password to log in.


 Here are some additional sites.



New Pasture Lane Primary SchoolBurstall Hill, Bridlington
East Yorkshire, YO16 7NR

Tel: 01262 601684

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